Menu Icon on all
Views is in the top right corner of the screen.
Table Cards -
Before setting up your match, be sure that the table cards you need for your planned match, are the ones supported by the program. You can verify this by printing a table card which matches your needs, and checking it against the ones you may already have.
To Print a Table Card,
Select the Rotations Tab,
Select the type of Game
Select the number of tables
Select how many boards and rounds you want to play
Print the table cards for the match. Compare them to the ones you have, if they don't match, you can use the paper ones provided.
Table Cards, for Individual and Howell matches are available from Baron Barclay Duplicate Bridge Supplies.
Score Match
From the Match View Menu, Select
Score Match
At the top of the screen,
Select the board to score.
This row of buttons is scrollable, swipe to the right on the row if you don't see all of the boards you are playing.
For Individual Games, the virtual traveling scores for the board will be shown in table number order. For Pairs games, the virtual traveler will be in NS Player Number.
Standard travelers have rows in order by NS team. For simplified Individual Game Traveler forms, see resources on this website.
Select a traveler row to score
The bid picking view will display for the row selected.
If the board was not played by these teams,
Select one of the options in the first row, which tell the program how to proceed with scoring.
Pass - board will be scored as usual as if both teams received a score of 0
Skip - this is a No Play, the pairs are awarded no points for the board, but total points are adjusted for the unplayed board at the end of the round.
Avg the program assigns points for the board equivalent of the average of all scores received.
Avg + the program assigns points higher than the average of scores when the board was played.
Avg -, the program assigns points lower than the average of scores when the board was played.
If the board was played:
Select the Number bid
Select the Suit or NT bid
Select Doubled or Re-Doubled if applicable
Select either the number of tricks made or the number down.
Tap Save
Repeat for each row on the traveler.
Score Match
A draft eMail will display with a Send Button at the top. You can add or delete addressees if you like.
You can edit the draft anyway you prefer. Add a message of your own, or tweak or delete any of the text you don't want to send.
When complete use the Send icon at the top right of the screen, or you can cancel.
You will be returned to screen with the list of names, if you wanted to send some of the information to a different list you can select the DRAFT button at the bottom, or just select the DONE button to dismiss the view and return to the Match View.
Email Match Results
Select a Match, then from the … menu, select Email Results
A list of club members and subs will appear. Each will be preceded with a TO or CC button.
Select TO or CC for each member of sub that you want to send results.
When all required are selected, Select the DRAFT button on the bottom right of the screen.
Email Results
Set up your match
Select the Plus icon at the top of the Matches List
Select a Club from your list of Clubs
Select the type of your match - either pairs, or individual rotation.
Default Game Type is Individual.
Select Howell, Howell/Alt, or Mitchell
If you are playing Howell, you can choose an Alternate Rotation, which was previously referred to as ACBL Standard.
Select the number of tables for Pairs Games, or Players for Individual Rotations.
A list of supported combinations of rounds and board per round will display.
Select combination of rounds/boards per round that you plan to play.
After you make your selection, the Save button will be available in the top right corner of the screen. .
You can save without adding any player names, and seat them later or ...
Select Set Players Button and seat club members or subs in t available positions
If you have a sub or new club member which has not yet been added to your club, you can either Add a Known Player or Add New Player.
Once all players are seated, you can Dismiss the view and Save the match. The Match View will be displayed and you begin, scoring and other functions for the match.
Once a Match is saved, Players can be changed, but the type of game, rounds, boards per round, cannot be changed.
Show Ranking or Statistics
From the Match View Menu, Select Show Ranking
A View of Ranking by teams or individuals will show.
You have the option of either printing it, or
you can dismiss the view by selecting the Dismiss Button or just pulling the view down from the top.
From the Match View Menu,
Select Show Stats
You have the option of either printing it, or
you can dismiss the view by selecting the Dismiss Button or just pulling the view down from the top.